Perfect Structure Lodge


Why join


Once you understand about the principles of Freemasonry and what it means to be a Freemason you may ask the question why should I join the Perfect Structure Lodge?

There are of course thousands of Lodges throughout the UK and indeed the world all of which will be based on Freemasonry’s guiding principles and work according to a governing framework however, each Lodge will have its own personality and way of doing things.

Some Lodges may be specific to a trade or profession, this traditionally was the main way Lodge’s differentiated themselves from each other. Indeed Perfect Structure Lodge was founded by Structural Engineers and for our first forty years or so of our existence only accepted members from the Institution of Structural Engineers.

There are also Special Interest Lodges such as sports like Rugby, Football, F1 etc as well as other hobbies and pastimes.

Here at Perfect Structure we now embrace membership from all walks of life and pride ourselves on being a small but friendly and relaxed Lodge. We only meet face to face four times a year at our formal meetings. Our other meetings such as Lodge committee meetings (where we discuss the running of the lodge and charity work) and rehearsals (where we practice our meeting ceremonies) are held virtually via zoom. We feel that working like this allows you to fit Freemasonry into your busy work, family and social life without dominating your free time. We understand that some Lodge’s meeting schedules including face to face rehearsals and administrative meetings can sometimes be too much of a time commitment for busy professional family people.

We encourage all members and indeed guests to take part in our meetings with a focus on participation and effort rather than getting things word perfect. One of our Lodge’s key aims is for membership of Perfect Structure to provide Enjoyment – we believe this perfectly complements Freemasonry’s four guiding principles. A little bit like you your work life whereby if you enjoy your work you will no doubt do a much better job!

If you think the Perfect Structure Lodge would suit your journey in Freemasonry whether you are just thinking about getting involved for the first time or if you are an existing Freemason then please get in touch using the Contact page. We would be delighted to hear from you and discuss your interest further.


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